Casey Cammans
Business Development Coordinator
Casey Cammans is the Business Coordinator at Camms Group, one of the leading GRC software providers in the country. With multiple years of experience in a variety of roles, from creating engaging content on complex governance, risk, and compliance topics to maintaining and implementing software solutions, he has a robust background in GRC. As a roundtable speaker at the summit, along with a passionate and excited Camms group Casey hopes to elevate GRC practices and garner positive conversations about growth and quality
Interactive Roundtables
A: Enhancing participant and staff safety and risk outcomes by fostering a culture of open communication and continuous improvement across Aged Care settings
Sharee Daniel, Riskman SME & Account Manager, RLDatix
B: Leveraging Integrated Risk Management to Enhance Incident Reporting and Manage Regulatory Change
Casey Cammans, Business Development Coordinator, Camms
C: Innovating residential aged care: The Motiview solution for improving resident wellbeing across physical, psychological, and social domains through participation in an international virtual cycling competition
Dr Ruth Brookman, Research Fellow, Clinical Psychologist, The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney University
David Cochran, Chief Executive Officer, Harbison