Katherine Platt
Head of Clinical & Service Governance
Bolton Clarke
As the Head of Clinical and Service Governance for one of Australia's largest aged care providers, I lead and manage a team to ensure that quality care systems (including incidents, feedback, quality and risk) are implemented and sustained for all our aged care services; being community, residential and retirement living.
I have developed skilled expertise in complex complaint management and investigation into severe incidents requiring root cause analyses and open disclosure processes.
I have been a registered nurse for over 25 years and although am passionate about quality systems and healthy ageing, I also love public health and following completion of my Masters in Public Health have worked in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and tobacco control.
Supporting Aged Care Boards in Navigating the Aged Care Reforms
Key challenges and critical areas to address when overseeing risk and quality
Providing reports to Boards that are collated, highlight the risks and guide decision making
Supporting Boards with their fiduciary responsibilities